Originally a supporting character who played a pivotal role in the 'American Gothic' Swamp Thing storyline, Constantine received his own comic in 1988. He is known for his endless cynicism, deadpan snarking, ruthless cunning, and constant chain smoking, but he is also a passionate humanitarian driven by a heartfelt desire to do some good in his life. The titular Hellblazer, Constantine is a working-class warlock, occult detective, and con man from Liverpool who is stationed in London. He serves as the lead character of the comic books Hellblazer (1988–2013), Constantine (2013–2015), Constantine: The Hellblazer (2015–2016), The Hellblazer (2016–2018), and John Constantine: Hellblazer (2020–2021). Constantine first appeared in The Saga of Swamp Thing #37 (June 1985), and was created by Alan Moore, Rick Veitch, Steve Bissette, and John Totleben. John Constantine ( / ˈ k ɒ n s t ən ˌ t aɪ n/) is an antihero who appears in American comic books published by DC Comics. Master con artist and skilled detective.telekinesis, necromancy, pyrokinesis, illusion projection, teleportation and chronokinesis, among others)